
  • AWS Certified Solution Architect Associate Exam

    The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate examination is intended for individuals who perform a solutions architect role and have one or more years of hands-on experience designing available, cost-efficient, fault-tolerant, and scalable distributed systems on AWS.

  • Using Spring's ObjectProvider

    When Spring Framework 4.3 was released, it introduced ObjectProvider. As Spring’s blog [1] mentions, this provided an extension to the existing ObjectFactory interface with handy signatures such as getIfAvailable, getIfUnique etc to retrieve a bean only if it actually exists or if a single candidate can be determined (such as a primary candidate in case of multiple matching beans). This also improved the programmatic resolution of dependencies.

  • Proxy Settings for most tools

    During software development, we come across so many tools, editors and frameworks which have their own way to configure HTTP/HTTPS Proxy especially when using it from your Work environment. Many times, these settings will not work while at home since the proxy is not available. This blog is aimed to capture the settings for most tools for Linux/OSX in one single place from my cheat sheets.

  • Introduction to Docker

    Running things in an isolated environment be it for testing, demo or simply build is such a neat thing. You don’t have to worry about other processes running on the system or ports being consumed by someone else or inconsistent libraries/packages installed. So far the only option we had was to create this heavy-weight Virtual machine that packages an entire Guest operating system with it. Due to its heavy weight nature, it was really cumbersome to distribute this 10GB+ file. There was no good way to automate the complete configuration. Also the Host you would run this on needs to be powerful enough(RAM ~ 8GB+) to be able to run this Virtual machine which often was a challenge given the kind of laptops most field folks carry. Running several such instance of VMs was impossible given the limited compute capacity of the host OS.

  • Objective-C for Java - Part I

    Objective-C definitely has some learning curve even if you have prior experience with C and C++. Coming from a Java background with more than few years experience, the curve was still rather steep. I had quite a hard time figuring out Java equivalents in Objective-C. The syntax itself takes a bit of time to get used to.

  • JSON Tutorial

    JSON data format is widely used nowadays. In order to use it with Java, several libraries are available. In this blog post, we will take a look at handling JSON data using the org.json library.

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