1.1. Describe Java inner classes and develop the code that uses Java inner classes (such as: nested class, static class, local class and anonymous classes)
Inner Classes
nested class
static class
local class
anonymous class
1.1.1 Member Inner Class
It has access to all methods, fields, and the Outer’s this reference:
Inner class instance must be instantiated with an enclosing instance.
Outer and inner class can directly access each other’s fields and methods (even if private.)
Inner i = new Outer().new Inner();
You cannot declare static initializers or static member interfaces in a inner class unless that are constants.
1.1.2 Static Nested Classes
No link to an instance of the outer class.
Can only access static fields and static methods of the outer class.
Outer.Inner n = new Outer.Inner();
1.1.3 Local classes:
Classes that are defined in a block, which is a group of zero or more statements between balanced curly braces.
You typically find local classes defined in the body of a method:
If method is static, the local inner classes becomes static.
A local class can access local variables and parameters of the enclosing block that are final or effectively final.
A local class can access its outer classes members just fine (final/not final)
Static method local inner class
Class inside a static method
Can only access static members & static methods of outside scope
Static members
Local classes are similar to inner classes so they cannot define or declare any static members. See OuterInnerDemo
You cannot declare an interface inside a block; interfaces are inherently static.
publicclassOuterInnerDemo{publicstaticclassStaticInner{privateStringin;// OKstaticintx=10;staticfinalinty=20;publicstaticvoiddoIt(){classStaticInnerInner{// Compile error: Inner class cannot have static declarations// static int x = 10;}}}
1.1.4 Anonmymous class
has access to the members of its enclosing class.
cannot access local variables in its enclosing scope that are not declared as final or effectively final.
Same rules apply as local class
Anonymous classes also have the same restrictions as local classes with respect to their members:
You cannot declare static initializers or member interfaces in an anonymous class.
An anonymous class can have static members provided that they are constant variables.
publicclassInnerClassDemo{privateintx=10;privatestaticintstaticX=20;publicvoidtestAnonymousClass(){inty=30;System.out.println("Anonymous Class");SomeInterfacesomeInterface=newSomeInterface(){intz=40;// static int z1 = 42; // <-- Inner class cannot have static declarationsstaticfinalintz2=42;// <-- OK@OverridepublicvoiddoSomething(){// y++; // y needs to be finalx++;z++;System.out.println("x = "+x);System.out.println("y = "+y);System.out.println("z = "+z);System.out.println("staticX is "+staticX);}};someInterface.doSomething();}}
1.2. Define and write functional interfaces
Functional interfaces
provide target types for lambda expressions and method references.
has a single abstract method (SAM), called the functional method for that functional interface,
to which the lambda expression’s parameter and return types are matched or adapted.
All the existing single method interfaces like Runnable, Callable, Comparator, and ActionListener in the JDK 8 are now functional interfaces
@FunctionalInterface annotation
optional, it is a “hint” for Java compiler similar to @Override
Default methods in interfaces
They are introduced so that you can add new methods in the interface without breaking old code that uses this interface.
Methods in interfaces can now have implementation
A default method is an instance method defined in an interface whose method header begins with the default keyword; it also MUST provide a code body.
A static method is a class method defined in an interface whose method header begins with the static keyword; it also MUST provide a code body.
Static methods can be called only with the Interface name i.e cannot refer them by Class name or using an instance
1.3. Describe a Lambda expression; refactor the code that use anonymous inner class to use Lambda expression; including type inference, target typing
// Pre-Java8 stylebutton.addActionListener(newActionListener(){@OverridepublicvoidactionPerformed(ActionEvente){comp.setText("Button has been clicked");}});// Java8 stylebutton.addActionListener(e->comp.setText("Button has been clicked"));// orbutton.addActionListener((ActionEvente)->comp.setText("Button has been clicked"));
Lambda Expressions
A comma-separated list of formal parameters enclosed in parentheses.
The arrow token ->
A body, which consists of a single expression or a statement block
Remember return statement is NOT an expression so in a lambda expression, you MUST enclose statements in braces ({…}).
You can omit the data type of the parameters in a lambda expression.
p->p.getDept()>=2(Personp)->p.getDept()>=2(Personp)->{returnp.getDept()>=2;}// Note the {}